主体采用新型环保材料电泳漆涂层(黑色或红色),防腐蚀、防潮、防脱落、**损等,比起镀锌的各种性能指标是**的飞跃(也可以根据客户要求镀白锌或彩锌)。**合成橡胶,抗高温、耐低温、耐腐蚀。严谨的实验证明,比起一般产品,其使用寿命**长。 原厂生产,价格合理,品质**,**! The main use of new environment-friendly materials electrophoresis paint coating (black or red), anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, anti-shedding, abrasion-resistant and so on than galvanized a variety of performance indicators is a great leap forward (in accordance with customer requirements can also be plated white zinc or Color zinc). High-performance synthetic rubber, anti-high temperature, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance. Rigorous experiments show that compared with ordinary products, its long service life. Original production, reasonable prices, quality guaranteed, very trustworthy!